Who Are the Best Cataract Surgeons in the United States?

There are many cataract surgeons in the US—10,000 plus and counting at the last calculation. But, as with every profession, there’s always a leaderboard. 

There are many cataract surgeons in the US—10,000 plus and counting at the last calculation. But, as with every profession, there’s always a leaderboard. 

The following are some of the top cataract surgeons in the United States, as determined by expertise, successful procedures, and—very importantly—customer satisfaction and feedback.

Finding the Top Cataract Surgeons in the United States: Local, Regional, and National

  • Determining the top cataract surgeons in the United States
  • Finding the top cataract surgeons in the United States that live in your area

Determining the top cataract surgeons in the United States

All ophthalmologists have undergone extensive training that allows them to perform eye surgery. However, despite the eye being a very small organ, there are lots of different eye specialties.

One of these is cataract surgery. This is a medical area that’s advancing extremely fast. Even the cutting-edge operations of as little as 10 years ago are now commonplace, with incredible state-of-the-art procedures continuing to be rolled out.

Determining a list of the top cataract surgeons in the United States certainly wasn’t easy. To do so we had to consider many aspects. These include:

  • Area of expertise: Some surgeons might only operate on non-complicated cataracts. Others have undergone extensive additional training to treat, for example, pediatric cataracts, traumatic cataracts, and those with much greater risk factors.
  • The number of successful procedures: Expertise only comes with continual practice. The more operations performed, the more adept a surgeon becomes.
  • Success rate: While cataract operations are one of the safest and most successful of all surgeries, we looked at the incidences of operative and post-operative complications and included this in our calculations.
  • Patient satisfaction: Clinical expertise is, of course, of the highest importance. But we also considered what the patients thought about their experience. From pre-operative checks to providing information, how it went on the day to how well looked after patients felt—not to mention their opinions regarding their ongoing post-op care. 

Finding the top cataract surgeons in the United States that live in your area

When looking for the best cataract surgeon, you should take the following into account:

  • Speak to your regular eye doctor and ask who they recommend.
  • Carry out online research and read the reviews.
  • Ask friends and family for recommendations.
  • Verify any credentials and experience.
  • Don’t settle for the first surgeon you come across. Consider multiple options.

Some examples of those who’ve made the grade in our opinion, include:

  • Elizabeth Yeu, MD: the #1 cataract surgeon in Virginia.
  • Gary Wörtz, MD: the #1 cataract surgeon in Kentucky.
  • Brent Bellotte MD: the #1 cataract surgeon in Florida.
  • Blake K. Williamson MD: the #1 cataract surgeon in Louisiana.
  • Eric D. Donnenfield MD: the #1 cataract surgeon in New York.
  • David F. Chang  MD: the #1 cataract surgeon in Los Altos and San Jos

Choosing a cataract surgeon is something you should do only after much consideration. Cataracts don’t generally require emergency treatment. This means that you have plenty of time to carry out research and due diligence. It’s especially important if you have any factors that increase the likelihood of complications. 

This might include previous eye surgery or trauma, repeated infections, having had LASIK, certain medications, or having a slightly abnormal eye anatomy. 

Need Help Finding the Top Cataract Surgeons in the United States? We’ve Made it Easy For You…

At the Modern Cataract Surgery Clinic, we believe that everyone should receive the ultimate cataract care. We’re dedicated to offering the latest, cutting-edge treatments. But if you don’t live in the area (although many people travel to us), we’ll help you find someone more local.

Find out more at out the Top Cataract Surgeons page.


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