What Housework Should I Avoid After Cataract Surgery?

Who doesn’t want a reason to be let off housework for a while? Welcome to one of the lesser-known benefits of cataract surgery… However, all joking aside, there are certain things that you should refrain from in the days and weeks after a cataract operation. 

Who doesn’t want a reason to be let off housework for a while? Welcome to one of the lesser-known benefits of cataract surgery… However, all joking aside, there are certain things that you should refrain from in the days and weeks after a cataract operation. 

As well as domestic chores, there are other activities that you should take a break from to ensure the speediest recovery. Read on to discover what they are as we delve into what housework should be avoided after cataract surgery and other FAQs.

Housework and Other Exertion to Avoid After Cataract Surgery

  • Supporting the healing process with regulated physical exertion
  • Examples of what you should and shouldn’t do after cataract surgery

Supporting the healing process with regulated physical exertion 

First of all, it’s important to not be completely sedentary during recovery—and that’s even the day after surgery.

Tissue recovery is a complex process, but it depends on receiving the right nutrients that allow it to knit together. These are transported around the body by the bloodstream, and when you don’t move around enough, this slows down. 

Additionally, reducing inflammation is a key recovery element. Swelling is made worse by the build-up of fluid, and movement is an important method of helping keep it to a minimum.

While you should refrain from extensive physical effort, gentle exercise—walking is a great example—is positively encouraged.

Examples of what you should and shouldn’t do after cataract surgery

OK, so let’s get to the nitty gritty: What housework should you refrain from in the first weeks after surgery? The short answer is anything that involves lifting things and/or causing you to bend forwards and downwards.

When you lift anything heavy, you naturally tense many muscles. This has many effects on the body, including raising pressure in the head (known as intracranial pressure, or ICP) and raising blood pressure. You want to avoid this as much as possible, especially during the critical first few days of recovery.

Bending downwards or forwards also increases ICP, so should also be avoided.

Examples of housework that you should avoid after cataract surgery include:

  • Vacuuming.
  • Lifting and emptying bins.
  • Using a dustpan and brush (as you’ll likely have to bend down and forward to use it).
  • Mopping and dusting as, once again, there’s a temptation to lean forward and maybe downwards.
  • Changing the linen on the bed.

Cleaning the bath (another chore that causes you to lean over).

Anything that involves lifting heavy items—that includes lifting a kettle for the first 48 hours.

You should also not cook for the first couple of days. While it’s fine to heat something in the microwave or oven, standing over a hot stove is best avoided. This is because steam and vapors from whatever is cooking can get into the eye and raise the risk of infection.

However, as well as gentle exercise, you should concentrate on the following to encourage a speedy recovery:

  • Eat a healthy and nutritious diet.
  • Refrain from alcohol or reduce the level of consumption.
  • Follow your surgeon’s instructions to the letter, including cleanliness, taking any medications, and using your eyedrops.
  • Attend your follow-up appointments.
  • Don’t smoke or vape.
  • Use your eyes as normal—watch TV, use a computer, read, and carry out close-up tasks.
  • Drink plenty of water.

Taking your recovery seriously is the best thing you can do to ensure a trouble-free and fast return to normality. If you’re at all worried at any point, consult with your ophthalmologist at the earliest opportunity.

Got Cataracts or Worried About Them? Contact the Modern Cataract Surgery Clinic for the Ultimate Care

We all need to be regularly scanned for cataracts. Their development is part of the natural aging process, meaning that we will all get them at some point if we’re lucky enough to live to a ripe old age.

As well as age-related cataracts, The Modern Cataract Surgery Clinic is one of the best places in the US for those with traumatic or pediatric cataracts. 

Discover more at https://www.moderncataractsurgery.com and call today to book an appointment.


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