The Best Time of Day to Get Cataract Surgery

Having a cataract operation is an efficient, short procedure that’s usually performed on an outpatient basis at the doctor’s office.

Having a cataract operation is an efficient, short procedure that’s usually performed on an outpatient basis at the doctor’s office. Many people wonder if there’s a better time of day to have it done—and while there’s not usually a clinical requirement for a particular slot, you might want to take a few things into consideration. 

When to Have Cataract Surgery: Does the Time of Day and Year Matter?

  • Seasonal considerations
  • The best time of day to get cataract surgery: what to think about

Seasonal considerations

If you suffer from seasonal allergies—such as hay fever—then it’s probably wise to schedule your cataract surgery outside of the high-risk months. Post-operative recovery will be impeded by excessive eye watering and it’s important not to touch or rub your eye as it heals. Itchiness caused by hay fever will make this very difficult to achieve.

Be sure to tell your cataract surgeon if you suffer from allergies so your operation can be scheduled for a time when this won’t be an issue.

The best time of day to get cataract surgery: what to think about

When considering the best time of day to get cataract surgery, you might want to consider the following:

  • How you’re going to get to and from the clinic: You won’t be able to drive for a minimum of 24 hours after the operation, so you’ll need someone to chauffeur you home. 
  • Other medical conditions: Do you have a condition that means you take a while to get started in the morning? Perhaps a mobility issue or you regularly take sleeping medication that makes you a little slower first thing. In such cases, it might be wise to schedule your cataract operation for later in the day.
  • Abstinence from food: You may be told not to eat for 12 hours prior to the operation. Certain conditions, such as diabetes or those that require you to take early morning medication with food, can make this a challenge. Speak to your surgeon to discuss how this can be overcome with the timing of the operation.

In general, it doesn’t really matter what time of day you undergo cataract surgery. Indeed, many people prefer to have it done as early in the day as possible. This is because:

  • a) It’s natural to be a little anxious about your scheduled surgery. While it’s comforting to know that a cataract operation has a virtually 100% success rate and that complications are rare, any invasive procedure has the potential to make even the hardiest of us feel worried. Some people might prefer to get it over and done with as early as possible, rather than stressing during the morning for a procedure that’s due to be performed later in the day.
  • b) You’ll get home earlier in the day. It’s human nature to want to be in our secure place when we’re not feeling our best. Home comforts are an important element of recovery—and the sooner you leave the doctor’s office (no matter how lovely it might be) the easier it will be to relax and recuperate.

Need Cataract Surgery? Contact the Modern Cataract Surgery Clinic Today

The Modern Cataract Surgery Clinic is the cataract-specific arm of the globally renowned West Boca Eye Center. Led by one of the world’s preeminent cataract surgeons, Brent Bellotte M.D., the facility is one of the best places in the US to have cataract surgery.

We specialize in both “regular” and complex cataract procedures—including pediatric cataracts, traumatic cataracts, and higher-risk operations for those with other preexisting conditions.

Discover more at


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