Showering and Washing Hair After Cataract Surgery

One of the most pressing pieces of information about cataract surgery is how soon you can get back to normal. Most of us start or end the day with a shower or a bath, with some of us washing our hair daily.

One of the most pressing pieces of information about cataract surgery is how soon you can get back to normal. Most of us start or end the day with a shower or a bath, with some of us washing our hair daily. Depending on your lifestyle, you might hit the bathroom multiple times per day. 

However, no matter whether you’re a once-a-day shower fan, a twice-a-week bather, a weekly hair washer or clean your tresses daily, you’ll need to understand the rules about cataract surgery and water usage.

The 3 Golden Rules about Showering and Washing Hair after Cataract Surgery

  • Rule 1: infection control
  • Rule 2: those vital first days post-surgery
  • Rule 3: tips & tricks about showering and washing hair after cataract surgery

Rule 1: infection control

Preventing your eye from infection after cataract surgery is the number one priority. When you leave the doctor’s office your eye will be protected with a special covering and you’ll need to wear this for around 24 hours. After that, you’ll be advised to wear it for another few days while you’re sleeping. This is to prevent you from inadvertently rubbing the eye.

You’ll also be advised as to the correct way to clean the eye and any medication that you might need to take.

There are two reasons for following these instructions to the letter:

1: To aid the healing process: Cataract surgery is an invasive procedure, meaning that the body needs time to heal afterward. Poking around with your fingers could inadvertently cause trauma to the eye and even cause the artificial lens to move out of place.

2: To prevent infection: One of the highest risks of infection comes from touching your eye with your fingers. This can introduce bacteria or other toxins, causing an already vulnerable area (because of the surgery) to become inflamed.

Showering and washing your hair too soon after the operation could affect both the healing process and be a source of infection. The force of shower water getting into the eye could be traumatic, and any water entering could easily cause unwanted post-op complications.

Rule 2: those vital first days post-surgery

Thankfully, the eye heals very quickly after cataract surgery. However, taking care not to cause any damage for the first three or four days is crucial. During this time you’ll be advised not to wash your hair or to take a full shower to ensure the healing process can progress.

Another reason is that you’ll be told not to bend forwards for a few days, as this puts unnecessary pressure on the newly healing surgical wound. Many people lean their head forward when washing their hair—something that you want to avoid. It’s also easy to slip in the shower, something that you certainly don’t want to do when you’re at such a crucial stage of healing.

Rule 3: tips & tricks about showering and washing hair after cataract surgery

So… What can you do? The following are easy ways to ensure you remain clean and fragrant, even during those first post-surgery days.

  • Wash your hair before you have surgery. That way, you’ll be able to go a good few days without worrying that your hair is becoming unclean.
  • Use a bowl of water and a flannel or sponge to keep clean. Sure, it’s not as refreshing as a shower, but when done a couple of times a day is very effective.
  • Once the first few days have passed (and as long as you feel able) take a bath instead of a shower. That way, you can easily keep your head out of the water, preventing any from entering the eye.
  • Wear a headscarf or hat if you’re concerned that your locks might not be looking your best. It will only be a few days before you can, once again, wash your hair to your heart’s content…

Questions about Cataracts? Contact the Modern Cataract Surgery Clinic 

No matter how many times you might be told that cataract surgery is one of—if not the—most widely carried out procedures in the world, you’re going to want to benefit from the very best care. The Modern Cataract Surgery Clinic is part of the globally renowned West Boca Eye Center. Under the care and guidance of one of the foremost ophthalmologists on the planet, Brent Bellotte MD., this South Florida medical facility is the ultimate place for all things cataract related.

Find out more at


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