How to Improve Near Vision After Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery will improve your vision—there’s no doubt about that. However, depending on the choice of intraocular lens (IOL) that you choose, you might still need eyeglasses for either far or near vision clarity. 

Cataract surgery will improve your vision—there’s no doubt about that. However, depending on the choice of intraocular lens (IOL) that you choose, you might still need eyeglasses for either far or near vision clarity. 

Let’s delve into the science behind focusing after cataract surgery and discuss the different lenses on offer. The choice of IOL is pivotal, meaning the more you know about them, the better placed you’ll be to choose the one that best suits your needs and lifestyle.

It’s all in the IOL…

  • A simple guide to IOLs
  • How to improve near vision after cataract surgery? Select the IOL that’ll do this for you

A simple guide to IOLs

If you have a refractive condition, such as near-sightedness, this will still be present after a cataract operation. The artificial lens that’ll replace your diseased one can either allow you to focus at a near distance, far distance, or multiple distances. 

A monofocal gives you clear vision at either near or far distances. So if, for instance, you choose to have a monofocal lens that provides you with a good near vision for reading, then you’ll need eyeglasses to see clearly for far-distance activities, such as driving.

Monofocal lenses are the simplest (and the cheapest) lenses. They’re the ones that’ll be included if you have your cataract procedure performed through Medicare. However, you can top up any additional amount if you choose a more advanced lens—although you should be aware that you’ll also need laser cataract surgery, as opposed to traditional, for such a lens. This is something that Medicare probably won’t cover. But, again, you can choose to pay the difference if this is the route you decide to take.

Advanced lenses are those that provide clear vision at different distances. These come under two categories:

  • Multifocal lenses


  • Toric lenses

The former works in a similar manner to varifocal glasses. The lens is divided into different prescriptions, meaning you benefit from clear near and far vision (and perhaps mid-vision as well, depending on the type you have.

Toric lenses are used to treat two refractive errors simultaneously. As well as correcting either near or long-sightedness, they also counteract astigmatism. 

Toric lenses are cutting-edge, with different types being tested and brought to market all the time. There’s also one other type of extremely advanced lens—the light-adjustable lens. This is the only lens that can be adjusted after the cataract surgery has been performed. It’s made of photosensitive material and your surgeon can adjust it according to your requirements and lifestyle needs.

How to improve near vision after cataract surgery? Select the IOL that’ll do this for you

You’ll discuss how to improve your near vision with your surgeon before your operation. It’s at this time you’ll determine the right IOL for your needs. This may well be a standard, monofocal lens for near vision with corrective lenses for far. However, more advanced lenses might be the answer, providing you with the freedom to perhaps live life unencumbered by glasses at all.

Get the Ultimate Advice about IOLs for Your Vision Requirements at the Modern Cataract Surgery Clinic

Your vision is unique… Your cataract procedure is unique… And your requirements for an IOL are also unique… Therefore, this is an important decision to make and one that should be made in conjunction with the person who knows the inner workings of your eye the best—your cataract surgeon.

At the Modern Cataract Surgery Clinic (part of the world-renowned West Boca Eye Center), we’ll help you make the right IOL decision. Whether you opt for a single-focus lens with supportive eyeglasses or a cutting-edge premier lens with focusing abilities at all distances, you can be sure that we’ll work with you to gain the best post-op vision possible.

Visit to find out more.


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