How Long to Wear an Eye Shield at Night After Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is one of the marvels of the medical world. Despite advancing technology, there aren’t many natural aging conditions that can be completely reversed.

If you’re scheduled for cataract surgery, you’re sure to have many questions about recovery. One of the most common is about how to protect the eye during your hours of slumber. 

You’ll be provided with an eye shield to wear for the first few days (and possibly weeks, in some cases) after the procedure. Exactly how long you’ll need to do this is subject to many variables.

All About Protection: Wearing an eye shield post-cataract surgery

  • A problem-free procedure and normal recovery
  • Underlying medical conditions
  • Infections affect how long to wear an eye shield at night after cataract surgery

A problem-free procedure and normal recovery

The vast majority of cataract procedures follow a normal recovery trajectory. This takes between 6-8 weeks, with the ability to gradually do more and more as the days pass.

When you leave the doctor’s office, your eye will be covered with a protective shield. You’ll need to wear this as you travel home. This will keep the eye safe from any debris as well as shield it from daylight.

You can remove the eye shield the following day – in fact, a speedy recovery is assisted by using your eye as soon as possible. After 24 hours, you’re encouraged to read, watch TV, use a computer… In other words, anything that makes your eye have to focus on varying distances. This will begin to reinforce the brain connection for eyesight that’s no longer encumbered by the cataract.

You should continue to wear your eye shield at night and outside for at least a week. You can, if you prefer, wear sunglasses when outdoors instead of the eye shield.

Underlying medical conditions

If you have other medical conditions, this might mean you have an extended recovery period. Issues that impede healthy wound healing will probably mean you’ll need to use the eye shield for a little longer.

Common conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, can mean that your body takes longer to carry out the physiological processes that repair tissues. If you’ve ever suffered from any slow or non-healing wounds, then your ophthalmologist will take this into account and advise you accordingly.

Infections affect how long to wear an eye shield at night after cataract surgery

The greatest risk post-cataract op is infection. Self-care plays a massive part in preventing this, meaning you should follow your surgeon’s instructions to the letter. 

This includes meticulously wearing your eye shield at night as instructed—at the very minimum this should be for a week—as well as protecting the eye from wind, dust, debris, and sunlight when outside.

You should also:

  • Practise great hand hygiene before and after using the eye drops that you’ll be provided with. (Remember how often you washed your hands during Covid? Now is the time to return to that overzealous habit…).
  • Don’t touch your eye unnecessarily. Your fingers are the most common way to introduce bacteria that could lead to an infection.
  • Don’t get any water or irritants, such as shampoo or soap, in your eye.
  • Don’t wear eye makeup for the first few weeks.
  • Don’t rub your eye while it’s healing.
  • Avoid swimming, hot tubs, and saunas until your eye is fully healed.

Got Cataract Surgery Questions? You Need the Modern Cataract Surgery Clinic

Cataract surgery is one of the marvels of the medical world. Despite advancing technology, there aren’t many natural aging conditions that can be completely reversed. But in the case of blindness from cataracts, this is easily cured.

Cutting-edge treatment means that pretty much everyone can benefit. And, seeing as that, by the age of 80, everyone will either have cataracts or have had them removed, this is a massive medical achievement. Whether you’re a straightforward case or you’ve got complex medical needs, the Modern Cataract Surgery Clinic at the WBEC is the country’s leading academic-grade facility to get treatment.

Start your journey to great eyesight today at


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