Do UV Rays Contribute to Cataracts?

Cataract development is part of the normal aging process. Like wrinkles and muscular atrophy, as the years pass by there’s a natural progression of eye decline, including the formation of cataracts.

UV radiation—often referred to as UV rays—can play a role in the formation of cataracts. However, to correctly answer, “Do UV rays contribute to cataracts?”, we need to take a bit of a deeper dive into the link between the two. 

Cataracts: Are they Inevitable and What’s the Link to UV Rays?

  • Understanding age-related cataracts
  • Do UV rays contribute to cataracts? Demystifying the link between the two

Understanding age-related cataracts

Cataract development is part of the normal aging process. Like wrinkles and muscular atrophy, as the years pass by there’s a natural progression of eye decline, including the formation of cataracts.

However, as much as we can take positive steps to reduce other areas of aging (a healthy diet, using sunscreen, taking regular exercise, etc.), we can also make strategic efforts to help prevent cataracts from becoming an issue sooner than they should.

(N.B., it’s important to know that we're talking about age-related cataracts and not those from trauma or genetic causes).

One of the by-products of aging is that, if we’re lucky enough to live to a ripe old age, all of us will develop cataracts—typically they’re diagnosed any time from the age of the late 50s/early 60s onwards. Most cataracts take many years, even decades, to progress to the stage where they need an operation. However, the latest evidence is that, by the age of 80, every human on the planet will either have cataracts or have had an operation to remove them.

Do UV rays contribute to cataracts? Demystifying the link between the two

In a nutshell, yes—UV rays can play a part in getting cataracts. But this is over the longer term. It doesn’t mean that if you forget to wear sunglasses for a day, you’ll suddenly develop cataracts.

It’s best to think of UV exposure to the eyes as a slow burner. A single episode won’t hasten the process—but failing to protect your eyes from UV rays over months and years can be a major contributor.

The negative effects of UV rays on the eyes tend to be cumulative. If you spend a lot of time outside in a sunny climate without wearing eye protection, then the damaging effect of the rays can hasten cataract formation.

It’s also important to know that your eye tissue is as sensitive to sunburn as the rest of your skin. Cataracts aside, short-term UV ray damage can cause a wide range of symptoms, including:

  • Light sensitivity
  • Sore, gritty-feeling eyes
  • Redness
  • Watering
  • Blurred vision
  • Seeing halos around light sources
  • Distorted vision
  • Temporary vision loss
  • Poor night vision

Thankfully, it’s extremely easy to protect your eyes from the danger of UV rays.

You simply need to:

  • Wear good quality sunglasses when outside
  • Wear a brimmed hat to shade your eyes

Also, consider that the following can exacerbate the level of sun exposure to the eyes:

  • Being at a higher altitude: The quality of the air at higher levels filters out less of the harmful UV rays.
  • Being on or close to water: The water reflects the rays, doubling the dose of UV rays your eyes experience.
  • Being in an urban area: Concrete, glass, windows, and other man-made structures reflect the sunlight. Again, this increases exposure.
  • Sunbeds and tanning booths: These emit intense UV rays, meaning they should never be used without eye protection.
  • Snowsports: Snow is another reflective surface that requires the use of high-quality, UV-resistant lenses.

When selecting sunglasses, be sure to choose the best you can afford. They should  protect against both UV-A and UV-B rays. In addition, many people are unaware that the UV protection on sunglasses only lasts about two years. Therefore, it’s important to regularly replace them.

Need Cataract Care? You Need the Modern Cataract Surgery Clinic

Led by one of the best cataract surgeons in the world, Brent Bellotte M.D., the Modern Cataract Surgery Clinic is the specialized arm of the West Boca Eye Center.

As an academic-grade facility, the clinic offers the ultimate care for every type of cataract. From age-related cataracts to pediatric, traumatic to those that exist in tandem with other health conditions, if you require cataract diagnosis, monitoring, or removal, there’s no better place in the US to get care.

Head to for more information and call today to book a consultation.


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