Best Sleeping Positions for Cataract Surgery Recovery

If you or a loved one is soon to undergo cataract surgery, then you’ll be keen to know how you can promote the speediest recovery. One common question surrounds the best sleeping position in the days and weeks post-op.

Best Sleeping Positions for Cataract Surgery Recovery

If you or a loved one is soon to undergo cataract surgery, then you’ll be keen to know how you can promote the speediest recovery. One common question surrounds the best sleeping position in the days and weeks post-op.

While none of us can prevent movement during the hours of slumber, we can make some efforts to sleep in a way that’s most beneficial. The following looks at this, as well as other steps we can take to ensure the shortest recovery time following a cataract operation.

Discover the Best Sleeping Position After Cataract Surgery

  • Should I sleep sitting up or lying down?
  • Should I lie on my back, side, or front?
  • Do I need to wear my eye patch while I sleep?

Should I sleep sitting up or lying down?

There’s no reason why you should sleep sitting up after surgery unless this is how you usually sleep. For those who routinely use a lot of pillows, then you’ll spend your resting hours semi-recumbent. The first few days post-surgery are the most important, because you’ll need to avoid disrupting the eye patch that you’ll be required to wear. Plumping the pillows to encourage you to lean to the opposite side from the affected eye can help.

Should I lie on my back, side, or front?

Most people lie down when they sleep, either using none, one, or two pillows. Getting enough rest and sleep in the days and weeks after your cataract op is vital for the healing process.

As already mentioned, you’ll have an eye shield to wear during the night for the first days and weeks. The biggest consideration of your sleeping position is this:

Try to avoid sleeping on the side that has been operated on. 

This also means that, if you can, try to avoid sleeping on your front—at least until such time that your surgeon has said that you won’t need to wear an eye shield anymore. However, the eye shield will help provide robust protection during the most critical time after the op, even if you do move in your sleep.

Do I need to wear my eye patch while I sleep?

Quite simply—yes! This is vital and a recovery step that you shouldn’t fail to follow. Be sure to tape it as directed by your eye doctor. Use new tape each evening to ensure maximum adhesion. 

More Recovery Tips Above the Best Sleeping Position After Cataract Surgery

  • Other ways to promote a speedy recovery

Other ways to promote a speedy recovery

The following can help aid the healing process:

Don’t sleep with your feet higher than your head. This can cause the pressure within the eye to rise.

Use your eye straight away to carry out normal visual tasks, such as reading, using a cell phone/tablet/computer, and watching TV.

  • Follow the post-op instructions rigorously. This includes cleaning the eye, using your eye drops, and taking any pain relief as recommended.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol
  • Avoid smoking
  • Avoid excessive exercise
  • Don’t pick up heavy objects or bend down

For anyone who uses a CPAP machine, the biggest concern will be if it leaks and directs air upwards into your eye. If this affects you, speak to your ophthalmologist about how to use a thin layer of lubrication below the eye that’s been operated on to prevent it from drying out.

We’ll Advise the Best Sleeping Position After Cataract Surgery and Other FAQs at the Modern Cataract Surgery Clinic 

At the Modern Cataract Surgery Clinic, our expert clinical team does its utmost to answer any questions you might have surrounding your procedure. This commences from the moment you first make contact right through to post-operative and home care. 

Headed by world-leading cataract surgeon, Brent Bellotte MD., you’re guaranteed the highest level of care and the latest cutting-edge treatments available.

Find out more at and call today to chat with our friendly team.


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